Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Command & Request


1.      Don’t smoking in this class!
2.      Keep your promise for me!
3.      Keep it in your mind!
4.      Be good to her!
5.      Don’t come to my house forever!
6.      Keep your mouth dude!
7.      Take over this room!
8.      Go away from my life!
9.      Close the door now!
10.  Go to mosque right now!


1.      Can you close that window?
2.      Please don’t go away..
3.      Don’t smoking please
4.      Would you mind to be my girlfriend?
5.      Would you like to take me home?
6.      Would you lend me some money?
7.      Would you like to keep her for me?
8.      Can you take some pizza for me?
9.      Please wait in waiting room
10.  Turn on the lamp, please..

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