Minggu, 19 April 2015

Adjective Clause & Noun Clause

Adjective Clause

An adjective clause is simply a group of words with a subject and a verb that provide a description. The clause starts with a pronoun such as who, whom, that, or which or an adverb such as when, where and why.
The adjective clause will follow one of these two patterns:
Relative Pronoun or Adverb + Subject + Verb
Relative Pronoun as Subject + Verb
Here are some examples:
Whose big, brown eyes pleaded for another cookie
Whose = relative pronoun; eyes = subject; pleaded = verb.
Why Fred cannot stand sitting across from his sister Melanie
Why = relative adverb; Fred = subject; can stand = verb [not, an adverb, is not officially part of the verb].
That bounced across the kitchen floor
That = relative pronoun functioning as subject; bounced = verb.
Who hiccupped for seven hours afterward
Who = relative pronoun functioning as subject; hiccupped = verb.
Avoid writing a sentence fragment.
An adjective clause does not express a complete thought, so it cannot stand alone as a sentence. To avoid writing a fragment, you must connect each adjective clause to a main clause.
Read the examples below. Notice that the adjective clause follows the word that it describes.
Diane felt manipulated by her beagle Santana, whose big, brown eyes pleaded for another cookie.
Chewing with her mouth open is one reason why Fred cannot stand sitting across from his sister Melanie.
Snarling and skidding on the smooth tile, Oreo and Skeeter, Madison's two dogs, competed for the hardboiled egg that bounced across the kitchen floor.
Laughter erupted from Annamarie, who hiccupped for seven hours afterward.


Noun Clause


What Are Noun Clauses?

A noun clause is a clause that plays the role of a noun. For example (noun clauses shaded):
  • I like what I see.

  • I know that the tide is turning.

  • I've met the man who won the lottery.
(Not all agree this is a noun clause. See Note on the right.)
Compare the three examples above to these:
  • I like cakes.
  • I know London.
  • I've met Madonna.
The words in bold are all nouns. This shows that shaded clauses in the first three examples are functioning as nouns, making them noun clauses.

Like any noun, a noun clause can be a subject, an object, or a complement.

In a sentence, a noun clause will be a dependent clause. In other words, a noun clause does not stand alone as a complete thought.

Examples of Noun Clauses

Here are some examples of noun clauses:
  • A person who trusts no one can't be trusted. (Jerome Blattner)
(This noun clause is the subject of the sentence.)
(Not all agree this is a noun clause. See Note on the right.)
  • That he believes his own story is remarkable. (Jerome Blattner)
(This noun clause is the subject of the sentence. Be aware that starting a sentence with a noun clause starting That is acceptable, but it grates on lots of people's ears. As a result, many writers prefer to precede it with "The fact…".)
  • Ask your child what he wants for dinner only if he's buying. (Fran Lebowitz)
(This noun clause is the direct object of ask.)
  • He knows all about art, but he doesn't know what he likes. (James Thurber, 1894-1961)
(This noun clause is the direct object of know.)
  • It is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man. (H L Mencken, 1880-1956)
(This noun clause is the direct object of believe.)
  • I never know how much of what I say is true. (Bette Midler)
(This noun clause is an object of a preposition.)
  • Man is what he eats. (Ludwig Feuerbach)
(This noun clause is a subject complement.)
  • My one regret in life is that I am not someone else. (Woody Allen)
(This noun clause is a subject complement.)
  • An economist is a man who states the obvious in terms of the incomprehensible. (Alfred A Knopf)
(This noun clause is a subject complement.)
(Not all agree this is a noun clause. See Note on the right.)

Selasa, 07 April 2015

My Autobiography

My name is Ndaru Okto Wicaksono, my nickname is Ndaru, also my friend called like that. My gender is Male, i was born in Jakarta, exactly at Tria Dipa Hospital at 23rd October 1994. I was the first son from three siblings. There is one sister and one brother. My father’s name is Sugeng Wahyu Wicaksono, and my mother is Sri Rejeki.
My dad was a really really tough guy, who loves his family. My dad was born in Salatiga at 10 November 1958. And my dad was working as entrepreneurship. He is my idol because he was showed how strong he is for my family, his family, and show how are he love his family so much.
My mother also important to my life, she also my idol, she was tough to educate her son and daughter and treat her family. And that was proof that she was a good mom and show her responsible. And she can proof be a dutiful and obedient wife to her husband. My mother was a patient mom i’ve ever had and see. No more to say about my mom, she was wonderful! And she is my everthing.
On my first education, i’m was started it on SDN 03 Pagi Kalibata at 1999.i have a lot of friend, and still exist until this day. I was started on elementary school on five years old, but im not feeling strange with the lesson or the class, because my parents was teach me very well. Everyday my parent always tech me how to writting, reading, and count. So that i never feel strange with the school. Im not good enough in class, but i never dissapointed my parent with a bad attitude. After the elementary school, i went to 182 Junior High School on 2005. This school was a good one, one of the best school on my region, and the favorite one. And i was choosed that school because it is not so far from my house, i can through it by my self with a walking or bycyle. Sometimes my parent drove me to school. As usually im not a good one student who gets the high score, or other achievment. But i never dissapointed my parent. Im not good in class, but im good enough at social, i think this is more important to do, because we are a social being.
 After finish my Junior High School, im continued to Karya Teladan Vocational High School, i choosed the accounting lesson. At this time my high school not a fovorite one, i choose this school because im not getting a good score on national exam, but im not regret it, i have a good friend in there, many many friend to be good in my life. I get many experience that i cant got on junior high school. Im more active when im studied on this school, because is not a generally school, this is a vocational high school, when im on 2nd grade, i was working at DEPNAKER (Departemen Tenaga Kerja) to completed my graduate terms. DEPNAKER is one of Government Institutional, i was work at this institutional for 2 months, and im got the experience of working in real life, not just the theory. On this school i have a bestfriend, and their name is Putri Lentina Turpyn, and Zazha Trisialitha. They are my best best best friend i’ve ever had. On my graduate, for the first time i got really really good score, and it is make my parent proud of me.
After the graduate, im desire to start working, but my parents doesnt accept it, my parents want me to go to college, i was  hesitate, dizzy and any more.. i have searching about college, and i found Gunadarma Univesity. I was called my high school friend who was select to go to Gunadarma. And there are many my friend to go this university. And the college begun.. my parents give me car for going to college everyday, because my college was so far.. on the first semester, as usually im not active enough. Just a lazy day everyday, woke up at the morning, going back to home at afternoon, same everyday. And i felt something go wrong with me, not like the other college student.. so i went to searching what im interest in. On the 2nd smester, i knew im interest on automotive, so i went to try modify my car who was given by my parents. I was searching for community on the college. And yap, i found a car enthusiast and community who called “Modifikasi.com Gunadarma” i was join on this community for one year, and the community changed this name to “Gunadarma Auto Family” this is changed from community to the club.
As known as a club, on their first anniversary, Gunadarma Auto Family create a Car Contest with a name Gafaction. Im in for the commitee, im feel so active for this time, really really a good time for got any experience, meet many people in there, meeting for sponsor, for the participant, for advetising, the schedjule, and many more. But im little bit sacrifice my college, absent on every lesson for this moment. And the ending this contest was very crowded, this event was successful! But not a long time later, Gunadarma Auto Family was broke down, because the members are’nt loyal anymore.
So do i, im focused to my score, on my journal, and many more. Until this time im still connecting to another community for being social human, because i was remember about som qoutes : “because the best time in your life is when you are surrounded by friends

Phrasal Verb
Phrasal Verb adalah kata kerja yang tidak berdiri sendiri tapi merupakan satu kesatuan dengan kata yangmengikutinya. Kata yang mengikutinya biasanya Adverb atau Preposition. Beberapa contoh Phrasal Verb misalnya: Blow up, Add up to, Tell off, Rip off, Look Forward to dan masih banyak lagi.

Pharasal Verb tidak perlu dihafalkan secara khusus, tapi pelajari manakala Anda menemukannya dalam kalimat-kalimat dalam text percakapan atau bacaan. Ingat, pharasal verb adalah kata kerja yang menjadi satu kesatuan dengan kata yang mengikutinya (adverb atau preposition).