memenuhi undangan IKOPIN Jatinangor untuk memberikan seminar tentang
Pengajaran Ilmu Ekonomi di Indonesia tanggal 7 – 8 Mei 2003, kami
terkejut saat mengetahui IKOPIN bukan singkatan dari Institut (Ilmu)
Koperasi Indonesia, tetapi Institut Manajemen Koperasi Indonesia.
Ternyata pada saat berdirinya IKOPIN tahun 1984, Direktur Jenderal
Pendidikan Tinggi yang berwenang memberikan ijin operasi
perguruan-perguruan tinggi berpendapat ilmu koperasi tidak dikenal dan
yang ada adalah ilmu ekonomi. Karena koperasi lebih dimengerti sebagai
satu bentuk badan usaha, maka ilmu yang tepat untuk mempelajari koperasi
adalah cabang ilmu ekonomi mikro yaitu manajemen. Masalah koperasi
dianggap semata-mata sebagai masalah manajemen yaitu bagaimana mengelola
organisasi koperasi agar efisien, dan agar, sebagai organisasi ekonomi,
memperoleh keuntungan (profit) sebesar-besarnya seperti organisasi atau
perusahaan-perusahaan lain yang dikenal yaitu perseroan terbatas atau
perusahaan-perusahaan milik negara (BUMN).
tahun-tahun tujuhpuluhan Bapak Koperasi Indonesia Bung Hatta mengkritik
pedas koperasi–koperasi Indonesia yang lebih nampak berkembang sebagai
koperasi pengurus, bukan koperasi anggota. Organisasi koperasi seperti
KUD (Koperasi Unit Desa) dibentuk di semua desa di Indonesia dengan
berbagai fasilitas pemberian pemerintah tanpa anggota, dan sambil
berjalan KUD mendaftar anggota petani untuk memanfaatkan gudang
danlaintai jemur gabah, mesin penggiling gabah atau dana untuk membeli
pupuk melalui kredit yang diberikan KUD. Walhasil anggota bukan
merupakan prasarat berdirinya sebuah koperasi.
kata koperasi yang disebut sebagai bangun perusahaan yang sesuai dengan
asas kekeluargaan dihapus dari UUD 1945 ketika ST-MPR 2002 membuat
putusan “fatal” menghapuskan seluruh penjelasan atas pasal-pasal UUD
1945 dengan alasan tidak masuk akal a.l. “di negara-negara lain tidak
ada UUD/konstitusi yang memakai penjelasan”. Akibat dari putusan ST-MPR
2002 adalah bahwa secara konstitusional, bangun usaha koperasi tidak
lagi dianggap perlu atau wajib dikembangkan di Indonesia. Konsekuensi
lebih lanjut jelas bahwa keberadaan lembaga Menteri Negara Koperasi
& UKM pun kiranya sulit dipertahankan. Meskipun sistem ekonomi
Indonesia tetap berdasar asas kekeluargaan, tetapi organisasi koperasi
tidak merupakan keharusan lagi untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia. Inilah
sistem ekonomi yang makin menjauh dari sistem ekonomi Pancasila.
Reformasi Kebablasan
Ekonomi Indonesia berubah menjadi makin liberal mulai tahun 1983 saat
diluncurkan kebijakan-kebijakan deregulasi setelah anjlognya harga
ekspor minyak bumi. Pemerintah Indonesia yang telah dimanja bonansa
minyak (1974 – 1981) merasa tidak siap untuk tumbuh terus 7% per tahun
dalam kondisi ekonomi lesu, sehingga kemudian memberi kebebasan luar
biasa kepada dunia usaha swasta (dalam negeri dan asing) untuk “berperan
serta” yaitu membantu pemerintah dalam membiayai pembangunan nasional.
Pemerintah memberikan kebebasan kepada orang-orang kaya Indonesia untuk
mendirikan bank yang secara teoritis akan membantu mendanai
proyek-proyek pembangunan ekonomi. Kebebasan mendirikan bank-bank swasta
yang disertai kebebasan menentukan suku bunga (tabungan dan kredit) ini
selanjutnya menjadi lebih liberal lagi tahun 1988 dalam bentuk
penghapusan sisa-sisa hambatan atas keluar-masuknya modal asing dari dan
ke Indonesia. Jumlah bank meningkat dari sekitar 70 menjadi 240 yang
kemudian sejak krismon dan krisis perbankan 1997 – 1998 menciut drastis
menjadi dibawah 100 bank. Krismon dan krisbank jelas merupakan rem
“alamiah” atas proses kemajuan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi “terlalu cepat”
(too rapid) yang sebenarnya belum mampu dilaksanakan ekonomi Indonesia,
sehingga sebagian besar dananya harus dipinjam dari luar negeri atau
melalui investasi langsung perusahaan-perusahaan multinasional.
ekonomi Indonesia pra-krisis 1997 adalah kemajuan ekonomi semu di luar
kemampuan riil Indonesia. Maka tidak tepat jika kini pakar-pakar ekonomi
Indonesia berbicara tentang “pemulihan ekonomi” (economic recovery)
kepada kondisi sebelum krisis dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi “minimal” 7%
per tahun. Indonesia tidak seharusnya memaksakan diri bertumbuh
melampaui kemampuan riil ekonominya. Jika dewasa ini ekonomi Indonesia
hanya tumbuh 3-4% per tahun tetapi didukung ekonomi rakyat, sehingga
hasilnya juga dinikmati langsung oleh rakyat, maka angka pertumbuhan
ekonomi yang relatif rendah itu jauh lebih baik dibanding angka
pertumbuhan ekonomi tinggi (6-7% per tahun) tetapi harus didukung
pinjaman atau investasi asing dan distribusinya tidak merata.
ekonomi yang diperlukan Indonesia adalah reformasi dalam sistem
ekonomi, yaitu pembaruan aturan main berekonomi menjadi aturan main yang
lebih menjamin keadilan ekonomi melalui peningkatan pemerataan
hasil-hasil pembangunan. Jika kini orang menyebutnya sebagai
perekonomian yang bersifat kerakyatan, maka artinya sistem atau aturan
main berekonomi harus lebih demokratis dengan partisipasi penuh dari
ekonomi rakyat. Inilah demokrasi ekonomi yang diamanatkan pasal 33 UUD
1945 dan penjelasannya.
Amandemen terhadap Amandemen:
Perubahan Ke-empat Pasal 33 UUD 1945 melanggar Pancasila dan tidak sesuai kehendak rakyat
33 UUD 1945 yang terdiri atas 3 ayat, dan telah menjadi ideologi
ekonomi Indonesia, melalui perdebatan politik panjang dan alot dalam 2
kali sidang tahunan MPR (2001 dan 2002), di-amandemen menjadi 5 ayat
Perekonomian disusun sebagai usaha bersama berdasar atas asas kekeluargaan (lama)
Cabang-cabang produksi yang penting bagi negara dan yang menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak dikuasai oleh negara (lama)
dan air dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya dikuasai oleh
negara dan dipergunakan untuk sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat (lama)
nasional diselenggarakan berdasar atas demokrasi ekonomi dengan prinsip
kebersamaan, efisiensi berkeadilan, berkelanjutan, berwawasan
lingkungan, kemandirian, serta dengan menjaga keseimbangan kemajuan dan
kesatuan ekonomi nasional. (Perubahan Keempat)
Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai pelaksanaan pasal ini diatur dalam undang-undang. (Perubahan Keempat)
3 ayat lama pasal 33 ini memang sesuai dengan kehendak rakyat. Tetapi
dengan penambahan ayat 4 menjadi rancu karena ayat baru ini merupakan
hal teknis menyangkut pengelolaan dan pelaksanaan kebijakan dan
program-program pembangunan ekonomi. Pikiran di belakang ayat baru ini
adalah paham persaingan pasar bebas yang menghendaki dicantumkannya
ketentuan eksplisit sistem pasar bebas dalam UUD. Asas efisiensi
berkeadilan dalam ayat 4 yang baru ini sulit dijelaskan maksud dan
tujuannya karena menggabungkan 2 konsep yang jelas amat berbeda bahkan
lebih serius dari perubahan ke 4 UUD adalah hilangnya asas ekonomi
kerakyatan atau demokrasi ekonomi yang tercantum dalam penjelasan pasal
33 karena ST-MPR 2002 memutuskan menghapuskan seluruh penjelasan UUD
karena kekeliruan-kekeliruan fatal dalam amandemen pasal 33 UUD 1945,
ST-MPR 2003 yang akan datang harus dapat mengoreksi dan membuat
amandemen atas amandemen pasal 33 dengan menyatakan kembali berlakunya
seluruh Penjelasan UUD 1945 atau dengan memasukkan materi penjelasan
pasal 33 ke dalam batang tubuh UUD 1945.
Ilmu Ekonomi Sosial
economics insists that justice is a basic element of socio-economic
organization. It is, indeed, far more important than allocative
efficiency. Inefficient societies abound and endure on the historical
record but societies that lack widespread conviction as to their
justness are inherently unstable. (Stanfield, 1979: 164)
secara prinsip kami berpendapat teori dualisme ekonomi Boeke (1910,
1930) sangat bermanfaat untuk mempertajam analisis masalah-masalah
sosial ekonomi yang dihadapi bangsa dan rakyat Indonesia, namun
pemilahan secara tajam kebutuhan rakyat ke dalam kebutuhan ekonomi dan
kebutuhan sosial harus dianggap menyesatkan. Yang benar adalah adanya
kebutuhan sosial-ekonomi (socio-economic needs). Adalah tepat pernyataan
Gunnar Myrdal seorang pemenang Nobel Ekonomi bahwa:
isolation of one part of social reality by demarcating it as “economic”
is logically not feasible. In reality, there are no “economic”,
“sociological”, or “psychological” problems, but just problems and they
are all complex. (Myrdal, 1972: 139, 142)
Myrdal ini secara tepat menunjukkan kekeliruan teori ekonomi Neoklasik
tentang “economic man” (homo economicus) sebagai model manusia rasional
yang bukan merupakan manusia etis (ethical man) dan juga bukan manusia
sosial (sociological man). Adam Smith yang dikenal sebagai bapak ilmu
ekonomi sebenarnya dalam buku pertamanya (The Theory of Moral
Sentiments, 1759) menyatakan manusia selain sebagai manusia ekonomi
adalah juga manusia sosial dan sekaligus manusia ethik.
bahwa perilaku ekonomi manusia Indonesia tidak mungkin dapat dipahami
secara tepat dengan semata-mata menggunakan teori ekonomi Neoklasik
Barat tetapi harus dengan menggunakan teori ekonomi Indonesia yang
dikembangkan tanpa lelah dari penelitian-penelitian induktif-empirik di
Indonesia sendiri.
pakar-pakar ekonomi Indonesia menyadari keterbatasan teori-teori
ekonomi Barat (Neoklasik) seharusnya mereka tidak mudah terjebak pada
kebiasaan mengadakan ramalan (prediction) berupa “prospek” ekonomi,
dengan hanya mempersoalkan pertumbuhan ekonomi atau investasi dan
pengangguran. Mengandalkan semata-mata pada angka pertumbuhan ekonomi,
yang dasar-dasar penaksirannya menggunakan berbagai asumsi yang tidak
realistis sekaligus mengandung banyak kelemahan, sangat sering
ekonomi Indonesia hendaknya tidak cenderung mencari gampangnya saja
tetapi dengan bekerja keras dengan kecerdasan tinggi mengadakan
penelitian-penelitian empirik untuk menemukan masalah-masalah konkrit
yang dihadapi masyarakat dan sekaligus menemukan obat-obat penyembuhan
atau pemecahannya.
era otonomi daerah setiap daerah terutama masyarakat desanya harus
memiliki rasa percaya diri bahwa melalui organisasi kooperasi (koperasi)
kegiatan ekonomi rakyat dapat diperhitungkan keandalan kekuatannya.
Koperasi harus mereformasi diri meninggalkan sifat-sifat koperasi
sebagai koperasi pengurus menjadi koperasi anggota dalam arti kata
sebenarnya. Jika koperasi benar-benar merupakan koperasi anggota maka
tidak akan ada program/kegiatan koperasi yang tidak berkaitan langsung
dengan kepentingan/kebutuhan anggota. Dengan perkataan lain setiap
“produk” atau kegiatan usaha koperasi harus berdasarkan “restu” atau
persetujuan anggota. Koperasi tidak mencari keuntungan karena anggotalah
yang mencari keuntungan yang harus menjadi lebih besar dengan bantuan
organisasi koperasi.
dengan pembaruan praktek-praktek berkoperasi, akan lahir dan berkembang
ilmu koperasi, yang merupakan “ilmu ekonomi baru” di Indonesia, yang
merupakan ilmu sosial ekonomi (social economics). Ilmu ekonomi baru ini
merupakan ilmu ekonomi tentang bagaimana bekerja sama (cooperation) agar
masyarakat menjadi lebih sejahtera, lebih makmur, dan lebih adil, bukan
sekedar masyarakat yang lebih efisien (melalui persaingan/kompetisi)
yang ekonominya tumbuh cepat. Ilmu ekonomi yang baru ini tidak boleh
melupakan cirinya sebagai ilmu sosial yang menganalisis sifat-sifat
manusia Indonesia bukan semata-mata sebagai homo-ekonomikus, tetapi juga
sebagai homo-socius dan homo-ethicus. Dengan sifat ilmu ekonomi yang
baru ini ilmu ekonomi menjadi ilmu koperasi
nature of homo ethicus is completely different and indeed opposite to
that of homo economicus. He is altruistic and cooperative individual,
honest and truth telling, trusty and who trust others. He derives moral
and emotional well-being from honouring his obligations to others, has a
strong sense of duty and a strong commitment to social goals (Lunati,
tatanan ekonomi baru pemerintah termasuk pemerintah daerah berperan
menjaga dipatuhinya aturan main berekonomi yang menghasilkan
“sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat”. Otonomi daerah yang merupakan simbol
kewenangan daerah untuk mengelola sendiri ekonomi daerah harus
dilengkapi desentralisasi fiskal yang diatur secara serasi oleh
pemerintah daerah bersama DPRD, kesemuanya diarahkan pada kesejahteraan
rakyat yang maksimal.
Review Jurnal
seminra mengenai pengajaran ilmu ekonomi di Indonesia IKOPIN bukan
singkatan dari Institut (Ilmu) Koperasi Indonesia, tetapi Institut
Manajemen Koperasi Indonesia. Karena koperasi lebih dimengerti sebagai
suatu bentuk badan usaha, maka ilmu yg tepat untuk mempelajari koperasi
adalah cabang ilmu ekonomi mikro yaitu manajemen. Dengan begitu koperasi
juga sering kali disebut sebagai masalah manajeman yaitu bagaiimana
kita mengelola organisasi atau perusahaan lain yang dikenal sebagai
perseroan terbatas atau BUMN.
koperasi atau yang kita kenal dengan nama Bung Hatta sangat mengkritik
pedas koperasi Indonesia karena yang kelihatan berkembang adalah
pengurusnya bukan anggotanya padahal koperasi itu sendiri didirikan
dengan tujuan mensejahterakan anggotanya bukan hanya pengurusnya.
pada kisaran tahun 1983 sistem ekonomi semakin liberal. Pemerintah
memberikan kebebasan luar biasa kepada dunia usaha swasta untuk berperan
serta yaitu membantu pemerintah dalam membiayai pembangunan nasional.
Namun semuanya membuat suatu reformas yang kebablasan. Kondisi ekonomi
pra krisis 1997 adalah kemajuan ekonomi semu diluar kemampuan riil
Indonesia. Dan reformasi yang diperlukan Indonesia seharusnya adalah
reformasi sistem ekonomu, yaitu pembaruab aturan main berekonomi menjadi
aturan main yang lebih menjamin dengan cara melalui peningkatan
pemerataan hasil-hasil pembangunan tentu saja dengan partisipasi penuh
dari masyarakat ekonomi.
telah terjadi kekeliruan yang sangat serius dari hasil amandemen yaitu
dari perubahan ke 4 UUD adalah hilangnya asas ekonomi kerakyatan atau
demokrasi yang tercantum dalam penjelasan pasal 33 karena ST-MPR 2002
memutuskan menghapuskan seluruh penjelasan UUD 1945.
beberapa pendapat dari beberapa ahli Ilmu Ekonomi namun yang jelas
manusia Indonesia tidak dapat mungkin menggunakan pendatap-pemdapat dari
beberapa ahli terdebut.
tatanan ekonomi baru pemerintah termasuk dareah berperan menajaga
dipatuhinya aturan main berekonomi yang menghasilkan ‘’sebesar-besarnya
kemakmuran rakyat’’.
Referensi Jurnal :
Hill, Polly, 1975. A Plea for Indigenous Economics: The Western African Examples.
Hunt, E.K. History of Economic Thought: A critical Perspective, 1979. California, Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.
Keynes, John Maynard, 1935, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, London. Macmillan & Co., Ltd.
Lunati, M. Teresa, 1997, Ethical Issues in Economics: From Altruism to Cooperation to Equity, MacMilalan, London.
Mubyarto & Bromley, 2002. A Development Alternative for Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Gadjah Mada University Press.
Mubyarto, 2002. Ekonomi Pancasila. Yogyakarta, BPFE-UGM.
Mubyarto, Hudiyanto, & Agnes Mawarni, Ilmu Koperasi, (konsep), akan terbit.
Myrdal, Gunnar, 1975. Against the Stream: Critical Essays on Economics, New York, Vintage Books.
Smith, Adam. 1759. The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Washington D.C. Regnery Publishing.
Stanfield, J. Ron, 1979, Economic Thought and Social Change, London and Amsterdam, Feffer & Simons, Inc.
Senin, 05 November 2012
Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012
merupakan suatu bentuk usaha yang bercirikan kebersamaan atau berasaskan
kekeluargaan. Di Indonesia koperasi bergerak di berbagai bidang untuk
tercapainya kesejahteraan masyarakat, salah satunya di bidang pertanian.
Mengingat sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia bermata pencaharian sebagai petani
maka salah satu jenis koperasi yang cukup menonjol adalah Koperasi Unit Desa.
dengan pengertian Koperasi Indonesia tersebut, maka pemerintah menganjurkan
untuk membentuk KUD sebagai wahana penghimpunan potensi ekonomi
masyarakat pedesaan. Karena masyarakat miskin sebagian terbesar
berada di wilayah pedesaan, maka pengembangan tersebut amat strategis dalam
program-program pemerataan menuju perwujudan keadilan sosial. Seperti
yang dikemukakan oleh Nugroho (2001) bahwa KUD mempunyai tujuan yang tidak
hanya untuk mendukung proyek pembangunan di bidang pertanian, tapi juga di
sektor-sektor pertanian seperti pedagang eceran, perusahaan kecil, industri
rumah tangga dan sebagainya. Koperasi juga menawarkan kredit berupa
barang-barang pertanian seperti pupuk, bibit, dan lain-lain. Selain itu ,
KUD juga membantu para anggotanya untuk menjual hasil produksinya.
Usaha dalam
bidang pertanian merupakan kegiatan yang banyak menghadapi kendala diantaranya
adalah penerapan manajemen pertanian, permodalan, informasi, tingkat pendidikan
dan teknologi. KUD merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi kendala yang
dihadapi oleh petani tersebut, namun sampai saat ini peran yang diharapkan oleh
KUD belum bisa dilaksanakan dengan baik dan bahkan banyak KUD yang tidak bisa
menjalankan fungsinya.
praktikum ini mahasiswa diharapkan dapat membantu upaya pemerintah dalam rangka
untuk meningkatkan kinerja Koperasi
Unit Desa (KUD). Sebagai
seorang mahasiswa khususnya mahasiswa pertanian, kajian mengenai koperasi
pertanian sangatlah penting untuk dipelajari sehingga dapat diketahui perkembangannya.
Informasi Manajemen merupakan salah satu bidang yang dibutuhkan dalam suatu
organisasi termasuk koperasi. Dalam menjalankan roda organisasi diperlukan
suatu sistem yang mengatur jalannya informasi karena dengan berkomunikasi maka
segala sesuatu menjadi jelas. Koperasi yang mempunyai banyak stakeholders juga
tentunya membutuhkan Sistem Informasi Manajemen sebagai sarana komunikasi antar
stakeholders tersebut.
sumber : http://h0404055.wordpress.com
Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012
Kejahatan Dalam Dunia Maya
Kejahatan dunia maya (Inggris: cybercrime) adalah istilah yang mengacu kepada aktivitas kejahatan dengan komputer atau jaringan komputer menjadi alat, sasaran atau tempat terjadinya kejahatan. Termasuk ke dalam kejahatan dunia maya antara lain adalah penipuan lelang secara online, pemalsuan cek, penipuan kartu kredit/carding, confidence fraud, penipuan identitas, pornografi anak, dll.
Walaupun kejahatan dunia maya atau cybercrime umumnya mengacu kepada aktivitas kejahatan dengan komputer atau jaringan komputer sebagai unsur utamanya, istilah ini juga digunakan untuk kegiatan kejahatan tradisional di mana komputer atau jaringan komputer digunakan untuk mempermudah atau memungkinkan kejahatan itu terjadi.
Contoh kejahatan dunia maya di mana komputer sebagai alat adalah spamming dan kejahatan terhadap hak cipta dan kekayaan intelektual. Contoh kejahatan dunia maya di mana komputer sebagai sasarannya adalah akses ilegal (mengelabui kontrol akses), malware dan serangan DoS. Contoh kejahatan dunia maya di mana komputer sebagai tempatnya adalah penipuan identitas. Sedangkan contoh kejahatan tradisional dengan komputer sebagai alatnya adalah pornografi anak dan judi online. Beberapa situs-situs penipuan berkedok judi online termasuk dalam sebuah situs yang merupakan situs kejahatan di dunia maya yang sedang dipantau oleh pihak kepolisian dengan pelanggaran pasal 303 KUHP tentang perjudian dan pasal 378 KUHP tentang penipuan berkedok permainan online dengan cara memaksa pemilik website tersebut untuk menutup website melalui metode DDOS website yang bersangkutan.(28/12/2011)
sumber: wikipedia.org
Kamis, 21 Juni 2012
Thousands of Indonesian children and babies are chain smokers
(NaturalNews) Aldi Rizal was just 11 months old when he smoked his first
cigarette, and by the time he turned two years old, the Indonesian baby
boy was smoking four packs of cigarettes a day. And there are thousands
of other chain-smoking babies and children across the South Asian
country just like him that are addicted to smoking, which some attribute
to a lack of tobacco regulation in the country.
Since the video first started to make news headlines around the world, the Indonesian Commission for Child Protection flew Aldi to Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta for rehabilitation, where he was allegedly able to eventually kick his habit. But thousands of other addicted children and babies across the country are still slaves to their smoking habit, and most may not get the help they need to quit.
According to reports, at least a quarter of Indonesian children over age 3 have tried cigarettes, and three percent of them are now regular chain smokers. And one reason why smoking is so common among children in Indonesia is because cigarettes are very cheap and accessible there -- costing roughly $1 a pack -- and there are virtually no limitations on who can purchase them.
In a recent MSNBC article on the subject, author Mary Schiavocampo recalls witnessing a ten-year-old child walking into a store and buying cigarettes without any problems. And the Indonesian landscape is littered with tobacco advertisements that appeal to children, as well as television, radio, and print ads with similar themes.
Another problem is that many Indonesian parents see no problem with their children smoking, and will even give them the money to purchase cigarettes. Once child mentioned in the MSNBC story, five-year-old Cipto, explained to reporters that he actually smokes with his mother.
Some are calling for increased tobacco regulations in the country in order to curb the child smoking epidemic, but others say that unless parents themselves begin to restrict their children's smoking habits, the problem will only continue.
source : http://www.naturalnews.com/030366_children_smoking.html
Since the video first started to make news headlines around the world, the Indonesian Commission for Child Protection flew Aldi to Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta for rehabilitation, where he was allegedly able to eventually kick his habit. But thousands of other addicted children and babies across the country are still slaves to their smoking habit, and most may not get the help they need to quit.
According to reports, at least a quarter of Indonesian children over age 3 have tried cigarettes, and three percent of them are now regular chain smokers. And one reason why smoking is so common among children in Indonesia is because cigarettes are very cheap and accessible there -- costing roughly $1 a pack -- and there are virtually no limitations on who can purchase them.
In a recent MSNBC article on the subject, author Mary Schiavocampo recalls witnessing a ten-year-old child walking into a store and buying cigarettes without any problems. And the Indonesian landscape is littered with tobacco advertisements that appeal to children, as well as television, radio, and print ads with similar themes.
Another problem is that many Indonesian parents see no problem with their children smoking, and will even give them the money to purchase cigarettes. Once child mentioned in the MSNBC story, five-year-old Cipto, explained to reporters that he actually smokes with his mother.
Some are calling for increased tobacco regulations in the country in order to curb the child smoking epidemic, but others say that unless parents themselves begin to restrict their children's smoking habits, the problem will only continue.
source : http://www.naturalnews.com/030366_children_smoking.html
That first sentence that I can express. child under the age of smoking freely and not prohibited by both his parents. in my opinion, children are still very unstable as it is not to blame for granted. I think that one of his parents did not educate their children properly. how the future of children who have been addicted to smoking as this? when a teenager, if not have the money to buy cigarettes, the child could be a negative act such as stealing, taking money school fees, and so on. habits should be and should be stopped even if the child forcing and angry, not a problem for the good of all children in the future. besides teach the child and tell the child about the dangers of smoking.
The Children Must Play
While observing recess outside the Kallahti Comprehensive School on
the eastern edge of Helsinki on a chilly day in April 2009, I asked
Principal Timo Heikkinen if students go out when it’s very cold.
Heikkinen said they do. I then asked Heikkinen if they go out when it’s
very, very cold. Heikkinen smiled and said, “If minus 15
[Celsius] and windy, maybe not, but otherwise, yes. The children can’t
learn if they don’t play. The children must play.”
In comparison to the United States and many other industrialized nations, the
Finns have implemented a radically different model of educational
reform—based on a balanced curriculum and professionalization, not
testing. Not only do Finnish educational authorities provide students
with far more recess than their U.S. counterparts—75 minutes a day in
Finnish elementary schools versus an average of 27 minutes in the
U.S.—but they also mandate lots of arts and crafts, more learning by
doing, rigorous standards for teacher certification, higher teacher pay,
and attractive working conditions. This is a far cry from the U.S.
concentration on testing in reading and math since the enactment of No
Child Left Behind in 2002, which has led school districts across the
country, according to a survey by the Center on Education Policy, to significantly narrow their curricula. And the Finns’ efforts are paying off: In December, the results from the 2009 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA),
an exam in reading, math, and science given every three years since
2000 to approximately 5,000 15-year-olds per nation around the world,
revealed that, for the fourth consecutive time, Finnish students posted
stellar scores. The United States, meanwhile, lagged in the middle of
the pack.
In his State of the Union address, President Obama outlined his plans
for reforming U.S. public education, including distributing competitive
grants, raising test scores, and holding teachers accountable for
student achievement. But there is much Finland can teach America’s
reformers, and the rest of the world, about what outside of testing and
rigid modes of management and assessment can make a nation’s schools
truly excellent.
Finland’s schools weren’t always so successful. In the 1960s,
they were middling at best. In 1971, a government commission concluded
that, poor as the nation was in natural resources, it had to modernize
its economy and could only do so by first improving its schools. To that
end, the government agreed to reduce class size, boost teacher pay, and
require that, by 1979, all teachers complete a rigorous master’s
Today, teaching is such a desirable profession that only one in ten
applicants to the country’s eight master’s programs in education is
accepted. In the United States, on the other hand, college graduates may
become teachers without earning a master’s. What’s more, Finnish
teachers earn very competitive salaries: High school teachers with 15
years of experience make 102 percent of what their fellow university
graduates do. In the United States, by contrast, they earn just 65
Though, unlike U.S. education reformers, Finnish authorities haven’t
outsourced school management to for-profit or non-profit organizations,
implemented merit pay, or ranked teachers and schools according to test
results, they’ve made excellent use of business strategies. They’ve won
the war for talent by making teaching so appealing. In choosing
principals, superintendents, and policymakers from inside the education
world rather than looking outside it, Finnish authorities have likewise
taken a page from the corporate playbook: Great organizations, as the
business historian Alfred Chandler documented, cultivate talent from
within. Of the many officials I interviewed at the Finnish Ministry of
Education, the National Board of Education, the Education Evaluation
Council, and the Helsinki Department of Education, all had been teachers
for at least four years.
The Finnish approach to pedagogy is also distinct. In grades seven
through nine, for instance, classes in science—the subject in which
Finnish students have done especially well on PISA—are capped at 16 so
students may do labs each lesson. And students in grades one through
nine spend from four to eleven periods each week taking classes in art,
music, cooking, carpentry, metalwork, and textiles. These classes
provide natural venues for learning math and science, nurture critical
cooperative skills, and implicitly cultivate respect for people who make
their living working with their hands.source : http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/82329/education-reform-Finland-US
proud of the meaningful words that can describe and thumbs up to the learning system in the country of Finland. a comfortable learning, fun, and not stressful for the students. according to the news I've heard on television, there is very much a learning system in a country different from Indonesia. where each class there are 3 teachers who taught and guided by a teacher friendly with the best university graduates and 10 best performing in the campus, the student sector in any class a maximum of only 20, it is intended to create an intensive learning. in addition there was tiu-free dressing and not prosecuted verseragam with many rules as in Indonesia: (and more fun, if there is a national test of students in Finland students are free to choose subjects that diujiankan for himself, but only the Finnish language that required the country's . hear it so much fun :) such a system that must be emulated by the government of Indonesia to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
Defense of the Ancients
Defense of the Ancients loading screen as of version 6.73, featuring depictions of several heroes.
Designer(s) "Eul"
Steve "Guinsoo" Feak
Platform(s) Mac OS, Mac OS X,Microsoft Windows
Latest release 6.74c / March 21, 2012[1]
Genre(s) Action RTS
Mode(s) Multiplayer with 2-10 players
Single-player (AI versions)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Dota allstars)
1 Gameplay
2 Development
3 Reception and legacy
4 Sequel
5 References
For other uses, see DOTA.
Defense of the Ancients (DotA) is an action real-time strategy mod for the video gameWarcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for StarCraft. The objective of the scenario is for each team to destroy the opponents' Ancients, heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters. As in role-playing games, players level up their heroes and use gold to buy equipment during the mission.[2]
The scenario was developed with the "World Editor" of Reign of Chaos, and was updated upon the release of its expansion, The Frozen Throne. There have been many variations of the original concept; the most popular being DotA Allstars, which eventually was simplified to DotA with the release of version 6.68.[3] This specific scenario has been maintained by several authors during development, the latest of whom being the anonymous developer known as "IceFrog" developing the game since 2005.
Since its original release, DotA has become a feature at several worldwide tournaments, including Blizzard Entertainment's BlizzCon and the Asian World Cyber Games, as well as the Cyberathlete Amateur and CyberEvolution leagues; in a 2008 article of video game industry website Gamasutra, the article's author claimed that "DotA is likely the most popular and most-discussed free, non-supported game mod in the world".[4] Valve Corporation is currently developing a stand-alone sequel, Dota 2.[5]
A game of DotA in progress
DotA pits two teams of players against each other: the Sentinel and the Scourge. Players on the Sentinel team are based at the southwest corner of the map, and those on the Scourge team are based at the northeast corner. Each base is defended by towers and waves of units which guard the main paths leading to their base. In the center of each base is the "Ancient", a building that must be destroyed to win the game.[6][7]
Each human player controls one hero, a powerful unit with unique abilities. In DotA, players on each side choose one of 108 heroes,[8] each with different abilities and tactical advantages over other heroes. The scenario is highly team-oriented; it is difficult for one player to carry the team to victory alone.[9] Defense of the Ancients allows up to ten players in a five-versus-five format and an additional two slots for referees or observers, often with an equal number of players on each side.
The differences between The Sentinel base (top) and the Scourge base (bottom)
Because the gameplay revolves around strengthening individual heroes, it does not require one to focus on resource management and base-building, unlike most traditional real-time strategy games. Killing computer-controlled or neutral units earns the player experience points; when enough experience is accumulated, the player gains a level. Leveling upimproves the hero's toughness and the damage they can inflict, and allows players to upgrade their spells or skills. In addition to accumulating experience, players also manage a single resource: gold. The typical resource-gathering of Warcraft III is replaced by a combat-oriented money system; in addition to a small periodic income, heroes earn gold by killing hostile units, base structures, and enemy heroes.[10] This has caused emphasis on a technique called "last-hitting," which is when the player attacks a hostile unit when "its hit points are low enough to kill it with one blow".[11] Using gold, players buy items to strengthen their hero and gain abilities; certain items can be combined with recipes to create more powerful items. Buying items that suit one's hero is an important tactical element of the mod.[12] Item choice also affects play style, as any given item may increase one statistic while leaving another unchanged.
DotA offers a variety of game modes, selected by the game host at the beginning of the match. The game modes dictate the difficulty of the scenario, as well as whether people can choose their hero or are assigned one randomly. Many game modes can be combined, allowing more flexible options.[13]
Warcraft III is the third title in the Warcraft series of real-time strategy games developed by Blizzard Entertainment. As with Warcraft II, Blizzard included a free "world editor" in the game that allows players to create custom scenarios or "maps" for the game, which can be played online with other players through Battle.net.[14] These custom scenarios can be simple terrain changes, which play like normalWarcraft games, or they can be entirely new game scenarios with custom objectives, units, items, and events, like Defense of the Ancients.[14]
The first version of Defense of the Ancients was released in 2003 by a mapmaker under the alias of Eul[15] who based the map on a previous StarCraft scenario known as "Aeon of Strife".[13] After the release of Warcraft's expansion The Frozen Throne, which added new features to the World Editor, Eul did not update the scenario.[16] Other mapmakers produced spinoffs that added new heroes, items, and features.[15]
Among the DotA variants created in the wake of Eul's map, there was DotA Allstars, developed by modder Steve Feak (under the alias Guinsoo); this version would become today's dominant version of the map, simply known as Defense of the Ancients.[17] Feak said when he began developing DotA Allstars, he had no idea how popular the game would eventually become; the emerging success of the gametype inspired him to design a new title around what he considered an emerging game genre.[18] Feak added a recipe system for items so that player's equipment would scale as they grew more powerful, as well as a powerful boss character called Roshan (named after his bowling ball) who required an entire team to defeat.[15]
Feak used a battle.net chat channel as a place for DotA players to congregate,[15] but DotA Allstars had no official site for discussions and hosting. Subsequently, the leaders of the DotA Allstars clan, TDA, proposed that a dedicated web site be created to replace the various online alternatives that were infrequently updated or improperly maintained. TDA member Steve "Pendragon" Mescon created the former official community site, dota-allstars.com, on October 14, 2004.[19]
Towards the end of his association with the map, Feak primarily worked on optimizing the map before handing over control to another developer after version 6.01. The new author, IceFrog, added new features, heroes, and fixes. Each release is accompanied by achangelog.[20] IceFrog was at one time highly reclusive, refusing to give interviews; the only evidence of his authorship was the map maker's email account on the official website and the name branded on the game's loading screen.[4] IceFrog now interacts with players through a personal blog where he answers common questions players have about him and about the game.[21] He has also posted information about upcoming map releases, including previews of new heroes and items.[22]
Defense of the Ancients is maintained via official forums. Users can post ideas for new heroes or items, some of which are added to the map. Players have contributed icons and hero descriptions and created the artwork displayed while the map loads, and suggestions for changes to existing heroes or items are taken seriously; IceFrog once changed a new hero less than two weeks after the new version of the map was released.[4] Versions of the scenario where enemy heroes are controlled by artificial intelligences have also been released. Mescon continued to maintain dota-allstars.com, which by the end of IceFrog's affiliation in May 2009 had over 1,500,000 registered users and had received over one million unique visitors every month.[19] Due to their separation, IceFrog announced that he would be further developing a new official site, playdota.com, while continuing game development;[23] Mescon closed dota-allstars on July 22, 2010, citing dropping statistics and his new passion for League of Legends as the reason for its end.
Because Warcraft III custom games have none of the features designed to improve game quality (matchmaking players based on connection speed, etc.), various programs are used to maintain Defense of the Ancients. External tools ping player's locations, and games can be named to exclude geographic regions.[4] Clans and committees such as TDA maintain their own official list of rules and regulations, and players can be kicked from matches by being placed on "banlists".[4]
Reception and legacy
See also: Action real-time strategy
The top three finalists from the first World Cyber Games Defense of the Ancientschampionship
The popularity of Defense of the Ancients has increased over time. The scenario was featured by Computer Gaming World in a review of new maps and mods in Warcraft III.[24]DotA Allstars became an important tournament scenario, starting with its prominence at the debut of Blizzard's BlizzCon convention in 2005.[25] DotA Allstars was also featured in theMalaysia and Singapore World Cyber Games starting in 2005, and the World Cyber Games Asian Championships beginning with the 2006 season.[26] Defense of the Ancients was included in the game lineup for the internationally recognized Cyberathlete Amateur League and CyberEvolution leagues.[27] Additionally, the scenario appeared in Electronic Sports World Cup (ESWC) 2008;[28][29] Oliver Paradis, ESWC's competition manager, noted that the high level of community support behind the scenario, as well as its worldwide appeal, were among the reasons it was chosen.[30]
The scenario is popular in many parts of the world; in the Philippines and Thailand, it is played as much as the game Counter-Strike.[31][32] It is also popular in Sweden and other Northern European countries, where the Defense of the Ancients-inspired song "Vi sitter i Ventrilo och spelar DotA" by Swedish musician Basshunter reached the European 2006 charts at #116 and cracked the top ten Singles Charts in Sweden, Norway,[33] and Finland.[34] LAN tournaments are a major part of worldwide play,[30] including tournaments in Sweden and Russia; however, due to a lack of LAN tournaments and championships in North America, several teams disbanded.[31] Blizzard points to DotA as an example of what dedicated mapmakers can create using developer's tools.[35]
In June 2008, captainSMRT, writing for Gamasutra, stated that DotA "is likely the most popular and most-discussed free, non-supported game mod in the world".[4] In pointing to the strong community built around the game, Walbridge stated that DotA shows it is much easier for a community game to be maintained by the community, and this is one of the maps' greatest strengths. Former game journalist Luke Smith called DotA "the ultimate RTS".[36]
Defense of the Ancients has been credited as one of the influences for the 2009 Gas Powered Games title Demigod,[37][38] with the video game publication GameSpy noting the game's premise revolved around aspiring gods "[playing] DotA in real life".[39] Guinsoo went on to apply many of the mechanics and lessons he learned from Defense of the Ancients to the Riot Games title League of Legends.[18] Other "DotA clones" include S2 Games' Heroes of Newerth.[40][41] Blizzard Entertainment is also developing a free mod forStarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm entitled Blizzard All-stars, featuring an array of heroes from Blizzard's franchises.[42]
Main article: Dota 2
In October 2009, IceFrog was hired by Valve Corporation, leading a team in a project that he described as "great news for DotAfans".[43] Valve officially announced the stand-alone sequel to the original mod, Dota 2, in October of 2010.[5] Dota 2 follows heavily in the gameplay style of DotA, with aesthetics and heroes working as direct ports to the original mod. In addition to the pre-conceived gameplay constants, Dota 2 also features Steam support and profile tracking, intended to emphasize and support the game's matchmaking.".[44]
The marketing and trademark of Dota 2 by Valve has gained concern and opposition from the original DotA Allstars contributors working at Riot Games, as well as Blizzard Entertainment, both of which have legally opposed the franchising of Dota by Valve.[45] The legal dispute was conceded on May 11, 2012, however, with Valve gaining undisputed franchising rights for commercial use to the trademark, while non-commercial use remains open to the public.[46]
^ "DotA latest release". IceFrog. Retrieved 2012-03-21.
^ Tok, Kevin (2006-01-25). "Defense of the Ancients 101, Page 2". GotFrag. Archived from the original on 2009-01-24. Retrieved 2007-08-04.
^ IceFrog (2010-07-28). "Official DotA: Map Archive". GetDotA.com. Retrieved 2010-07-28.
^ a b c d e f Walbridge, Michael (2008-06-12). "Analysis: Defense of the Ancients - An Underground Revolution". Gamasutra. Retrieved 2008-06-23.
^ a b Biessener, Adam (2010-10-23). "Valve's New Game Announced, Detailed: Dota 2". Game Informer. Retrieved 2010-12-16.
^ "Learn Dota". PlayDota.com. Archived from the original on 2011-07-23. Retrieved 2010-10-23.
^ Lodaya, Punit (2006-02-09). "DotA: AllStars Part 1". TechTree.com. Archived from the original on 2009-06-25. Retrieved 2007-08-04.
^ "Hero Database". PlayDotA.com. Retrieved 2009-10-15.
^ Nair, Neha (2007-10-30). "Why Defense of the Ancients? (Pg. 1)". GotFrag. Archived from the original on 2009-06-24. Retrieved 2007-11-01.
^ Lodaya, Punit (2006-02-09). "DotA: AllStars Part 2: What Do I Do?". TechTree.com. Archived from the original on 2009-05-22. Retrieved 2007-08-04.
^ Lo, Jaclyn (2008-04-03). "DotA 101: The Killing Blow". GotFrag.com. Archived from the original on 2009-06-30. Retrieved 2009-10-26.
^ "PlayDotA.com Items Database". PlayDotA.com. Archived from the original on 2010-01-02. Retrieved 2007-03-01.
^ a b Tok, Kevin (2006-01-25). "Defense of the Ancients 101".GotFrag. Archived from the original on 2009-06-24. Retrieved 2007-08-04.
^ a b Warcraft III Instruction Manual (World Editor ed.). Blizzard Entertainment. 2002. p. 16.
^ a b c d Feak, Steve; Steve Mescon (2009-03-19). "Postmortem: Defense of the Ancients". Gamasutra. pp. 1–5. Archived fromthe original on 2010-12-07. Retrieved 2009-04-01.
^ Waldbridge, Michael (2008-05-30). "The Game Anthropologist: Defense of the Ancients: An Underground Revolution". GameSetWatch. Archived from the original on 2009-04-17. Retrieved 2009-01-20.
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^ a b Perez, Daniel (2009-01-16). "Previews; We talk with new developer Riot Games about its strategy/RPG hybrid and the lead designer's Warcraft roots.". 1UP.com. Retrieved 2009-02-07.
^ a b Nair, Neha (2009-04-28). "Interview with Pendragon, The future of DotA-Allstars.com". Dota-Allstars.com. Archived fromthe original on 2009-05-19. Retrieved 2009-05-15.
^ IceFrog. "Latest DotA Changelog". GetDota.com. Archived from the original on 2007-08-30. Retrieved 2007-09-04.
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Comment: I like very much DotA. Who want to by1 with me? Hahaha, just kidding. I never arrogant. This game for all ages. From high school junior to oldman can play it. Mostly, the man who play it is a child. He play and not understand about the hero and strategy. He always want to kill the hero enemies, but don’t know the situation. whereas, this game really requires dexterity and intelligence in any situation. I’m not like that.
By the way, what the type of hero do you like? strenght? Intelligence? or agility? I like very much all heroes, because I already to try all heroes. But I would to like agility heroes like a Ember Spirit. It’s have a killer skills and go out from war. Also have a shield with damage per second. It’s nice skill.
But the real purpose is a destroy the Frozen Throne or a Tree of Life. Before destroy it, you must destroy the 3 towers in front of it. And you must be stronger to can destroy 3 towers. 1 by 1 the level coming up and make be stronger. skill and hit point is up too. Also the stats of your hero is up. Then you can destroy the 3 towers. After that you can destroy the Frozen Throne or Tree of Life and win.
One word for this game.
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